Learn Some History… Join the Hanover Historical Society

DOWNLOAD THE MEMBERSHIP FORM or simply purchase your membership via PayPal here (valid for renewals too!)

Do you know where the second creamery is located? How about the Vollbrecht Guest House? Could you direct someone to the downtown triangle where commercial businesses once stood? Does talk of proposed development “on Lois Kottke’s place” leave you wondering where the heck is that? If so, you’re not alone.

With so much new development in Hanover, a growing percentage of our population has relocated here over the past five years. All you probably recognize are the River Inn, Hilltop Bar, Maverick and WestAir as former shells of once historic businesses.

Young families who have adopted Hanover’s charming small town pace as home have just as much interest in history as those folks born and raised here. It may not be “home” to you, but it is to your young children.

How can you learn more about long-forgotten businesses, historic houses, and ancestral farmlands turning into subdivisions and where they were? Join the Hanover Historical Society! We have an even balance of long-time residents and new young families as members, and that’s an important mix for an organization to grow.

Did you enjoy the Caroling at the Bridge event in December? How about shopping the flea market area at last summer’s Hanover Harvest Festival? Do you remember the historic bridge dedication commemorating the bridge repairs several years ago? These are all examples of what the Hanover Historical Society is involved in… promoting our history and town through education, preservation, and community activities.

Sound intriguing? Come check us out! We meet the first Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Hanover Area History Center. A one-year membership is only $12, and you don’t have to be a Hanover resident to join! Your membership also includes a quarterly newsletter.

Why membership is important

We welcome your help and assistance to help meet our objectives. What better way than to become a member of the Hanover Historical Society. Any individual interested in the history of Hanover is the ideal member.

Monthly meetings are held first Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Hanover Area History Center year round, except in December; both members and non-members are encouraged to attend. Your input is valuable!

Because we are a volunteer organization, we depend on you for your time and talent.

To grow, accept donated collections, and ultimately display these artifacts, we need to document, store/display them, maintain records and newspaper clippings, serve on fundraising committees, participate on task force groups, and more.

There is something for everyone that will complement your skills, interest, and talent.